Teaching Skype Music Lessons. This
presentation by Terry B. Ewell addresses the setup of equipment,
software configurations, and other helpful hints for successful online
lessons for one to one music instruction. BDP #277, www.2reed.net.
[Music: Hummel Bassoon Concerto]
1. Welcome, I am Terry Ewell and this video will provide a few hints for
teaching music lessons online using software such as Skype or Zoom. I
have been teaching online music lessons for over a decade and I have
learned several ideas to make the lessons more successful for students
and teachers. I will assume for this video that you have already
installed Skype or Zoom or your other software.
1. 你好,我是唐英伟,欢迎来到我的频道!今天我想和大家分享一下使用软件比如Skype或者Zoom进行远程音乐课堂的心得。
2. Do not play or sing directly into the microphone. The performance of
musical instruments or singing are much louder than normal speech. The
software is set up for normal speech and thus the position of the
equipment needs to be different.
You and your student will have better sound results with an external
2. 请不要对着麦克风直接演奏。当我们的演奏或者演唱通过麦克风时,音量会增加很多,这样的话我们听到的声音并不是我们期待的效果,因为通常麦克风是为讲话设定的,而我们演奏时会比讲话音量更大。因此,演奏乐器或者演唱时的麦克风距离应该和讲话时不同。
3. For my Skype lessons I use a USB microphone. In addition, an external
microphone also provides greater flexibility with placement. For
bassoon lessons, I place the microphone on my right, about 2-3 feet
3. 如果你和你的学生能够使用外置麦克风,那么效果会好很多。 当我用Skype上课时,我是用USB接口的外置麦克风。另外,外置麦克风对位置的摆放要求没有那么苛刻。上巴松课时,我把麦克风放在我的右侧2-3英尺(约0.6至1米)远的位置上。
4. For my wife’s flute lessons the microphone works best
on her left, again with some distance. If you or your student is using
a laptop or phone with built-in microphones, then these will have to be
positioned in the same place. Another solution is to have your student
perform about six feet away from the built in microphone. This keeps
the volume of the music from overwhelming the microphone.
5. To avoid audio feedback, I teach all of my Skype lessons wearing a
headset or ear buds. This cuts any opportunity for a feedback loop
where the sound from speakers are picked up by the microphones. It is
not necessary for the student to do this, however, if you do this as
the teacher.
5. 为了避免音频有滞后或其它不良效果,我会使用耳机,这样的话我就不会因为某方的麦克风或者音响问题错过什么。这对于学生来说并不是必须的,但如果老师这样做会很有帮助。
6. Here is an example of a Skype demonstration with a student making use
of a cell phone. The placement of the cell phone on the right of the
student and the distance is ideal for both sound and viewing of the
6. 下面是一个Skype软件的使用示范,巴松学生把手机放在他的右侧,音量和角度都是很好的效果。
7. Audio settings for Skype, Zoom, and other Voice over Internet Protocols
(VoIP) are set up for conversation, not music making. They have
automatic configurations that include compression and gates. For best
results, these should be changed.
7. 音频设置在Skype中称作VoIP-音频网络协议。这不是和音乐本身有关系的设置,这是软件自身的设置,但为了达到更好的效果,我们应该把这一项设置一下。
8. Here is how to configure your settings for sound in Skype. Click on the
three dots. Select “Settings.” Go to
“Audio & Video.” Let me scroll down here.
OK, you can see right now that I am using the microphone, this is my
external microphone. I have a choice of using the microphne array or
that. This is what I want to be using.
8. 这里我会给你演示怎样在Skype里设置这一项。
9. But right now, you can see that
Skype is automatically adjusting microphone settings. That is not what
you want to do for music. You want to click on this and turn it off.
Then you want to adjust the sound. I find that going too loud does not
work for the musical instruments. You need it somewhere in the
midrange. You want to avoid the sound peaking beyond this last dot here.
9. 远程音乐授课时你不应该选择这项,所以把它调整到“关闭”,这样我们就可以进行手动调整了。音量选择太高(10)并不适合,我把它调整到中间(约5或6)。要注意的是,你不想让麦克风的蓝点闪烁到最高点。
10. You can also adjust your speakers here. But if you are listening with
headphones or ear buds you don’t need to adjust the speakers.
However, if you have the volume going through the speakers in your
laptop you are probably going to need to adjust those as well.
10. 你也可以调整音响,但如果你使用外置耳机则不用调整音响这一项。如果你使用笔记本电脑自带的音响,那么你很有可能也需要把音量往下调整。
11. Online teaching has its restrictions and you need to be prepared for
these. For instance, when teaching face to face you can just grab a new
piece of music off the shelf and have your student sight read it. There
can be a degree of spontaneity to your online lessons, however, if you
are prepared in advance.
11. 远程教学有许多局限性,但你需要为这些提前做好准备。当面授课时,你可以随心所欲,从书架上选首曲目让学生视奏。但远程教学就不同了。
12. Make certain that you and your student have all of the music you might
be using in the lesson ahead of time. You will need to use the same
editions, so you can refer to page numbers, titles etc. This will allow
for free-flowing conversations and demonstrations by you.
12. 因此,让学生准备多本书或多首曲目就是个好主意了。你也需要准备和学生手中相同的乐谱,这样你就可以告诉学生页码、小节号等细节。这样就会使得线上教学的沟通更加顺畅,也避免了不必要的解释和麻烦。
13. Be aware that slight timing delays occur. This is called "latency."
Thus, playing duets, tapping in time with the student, etc. will not
work well. You can compensate for this by having the student play with
a recording or use a metronome at their location.
13. 要注意的是,网络传输或许会有稍许延迟,所以,二重奏等对时间精准度要求高的配合曲目就不是很合适了。退而求其次,你可以让学生跟随伴奏录音练习或演奏,节拍器也是很好的办法。
14. For instance, for a duet you can record one part ahead of time and send
the audio file to the student. The student can play the file on their
phone while performing with their instrument. If you need the student
to work with a metronome, the student will need to turn on the
metronome in their location.
14. 比如你想让学生学习一首二重奏,那么你可以事先将另一个部分录好音,然后把音频文件发送给学生。这样的话学生就可以用手机播放,从而练习重奏了。在练习同时,学生也可以使用节拍器。
15. Be aware of the other limitations of Voice over Internet Protocol.
While rhythm and pitch transmit well over the Internet, dynamics and
timbre do not. Be sure to consider these when you hear your students
and when you play for them. When I demonstrate during an Internet
lesson, I never play above a mezzo forte so that the tone will not
distort. Instead, I focus on nuance within the limited dynamic range.
If I were to demonstrate the full dynamic range, I would place the
microphone several yards away from my location.
16. Well, I hope that these few comments will help you to get started. You
have my best wishes for your new experience! Bye.
16. 我希望这些能够帮助你开始远程教学,我衷心祝愿你顺利开始新的里程!
[Music: Hummel Bassoon Concerto]