Translation by XiaoXiao Zhu. 译:朱潇潇  

This is a remake of BDP#1.
这是一个翻录的BDP # 1。

<Music: Hummel, Bassoon Concerto, I, Terry B. Ewell, bassoon, and Peter Amstutz, fortepiano, Oct. 1997, Kent University.>

1. This is the first of a multi-video series on finishing bassoon reeds. This particular series is based upon an article I wrote titled "A Pedagogy of Finishing Reeds for the German System (Heckel System) Bassoon." This was published in The Double Reedand later re-published in Scrapes.
1. 大家好!这里是修整/调试巴松管哨片系列视频的第一集。这个特别的系列是基于我写的一篇文章题为“巴松管哨片教学----德式巴松管(黑格尔系统)哨片的精致修整/调试。” 这篇文章发表在双簧杂志上,之后又被发表在Scrapes上。

2. First I would like to start by making the listener aware of some excellent resources that are available for constructing bassoon reeds and a few actually deal with finishing bassoon reeds. The journal article by Heinrich, J. M. Heinrich is available on the IDRS (International Double Reed Society) website. This is an excellent article which presents a lot of very good material.
2. 首先,我想让大家知道一些可用于制作巴松管哨片以及现实生活中可用于修整、调试哨片的优秀的资源。那就是海因里希的文章,他的这篇文章可以在IDRS(国际双簧协会)的网站上找到。这是一篇内容很好的佳作。

3. There are two classic books (I guess you could call them that) that have available for many, years. They've been helpful for many bassoonists.

There is Christopher Weait's Bassoon Reed-Making: A Basic Technique. And Mark Popkin and Loren Glickman also have a fine book. There's another very interesting book by Mark Eubanks called, Advance Reed Design & Testing Procedure for Bassoon. It is very innovative in its approach to reed making, involving all sorts of different testing procedures that are very interesting consider.
3. 另外还有两部非常经典的书籍(我猜你可以这样称呼它们),多年来,他们已经帮助了很多巴松管演奏者。


4. Gerald Corey continues to provide a lot of information for bassoon reed makers. He has a videotape. This is his Kockenhauer Parallel trim bassoon reed information. He is also coming out with some new materials soon.
4. 杰拉尔德也继续为巴松哨片制作者提供了大量信息。他有一盘录像带介绍了他平行修剪哨片的“均衡性概念”。他还即将为我们继续推出一些新的资讯。

5. Perhaps the most comprehensive book on the market today about Lou Skinner's theories and techniques of bassoon remaking is written by James McKay and others.
5. 也许今天市场上有关巴松管改造的卢斯金纳理论和技术让人最容易理解的书籍就是这本由杰姆斯及他人出版的。

6. I want to make you aware of the few web sites. Many of my students and I have taken some very careful measurements of bassoon reeds and we provide these on the web with pictures and measurements. You can go to and look at the website. For example, there is some close up pictures of the tip; and you can see the lay [blades] of the reed--they are carefully labeled by reed maker and include the measurements as well. You can have a look at these bassoon reeds. I encourage you to do so.
6. 接下来我想让你们知道一些网站。我和我的一些学生非常仔细地测量了巴松管哨片,并且把这些图片和数据发布在网站上。你可以去www.idrs.org网站查看。例如,有一些关于起音区高清图片;然后你还可以看得到哨片的苇片——它们由哨片制造商精心测量制作。我建议你去看一看那些巴松管哨片的图片。

7. Many of the reeds the Bassoon Reed Project are taken from articles that I co-authored with some of my students. We have a collection of John Miller's reeds that were measured, other reeds by a North American bassoonists, contra bassoon reeds, and even a few oboe reeds are part of these measurements. These are all available on the web.
7. 大部分巴松管哨片项目中介绍过的哨片都出现在我和学生们共同撰写的一些文章当中。我们收藏了一个已经测量过的、约翰米勒的哨片,其他一些像来自北美巴松管演奏者的哨片,倍低音管哨片,甚至一些双簧管哨片都是我们测量的一部分。这些都可以在网站上找到。

8. Now I want to get started on the article and I will now talk about what led me to write the article. When I examine many of the fine materials on bassoon reed making I notice that three-fourths of the articles or three-fourths of the books deal with the construction of the bassoon reed and very few articles or books deal with the finishing process. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that the construction of the bassoon reed can be done in a very objective manner based on measurements, on appearance. There can even be a sort of "recipe approach." If you do this, this, and this; you will get this result. Unfortunately with the cane material being so variable, once you have your reed close to a finished stage you now need to have a subject approach. You need to play on the reed and make decisions based on how the reed feels, what is the resistance, how does it respond, what is the sound... How does this reed relate to the concept you want for a bassoon reed? So we are dealing with subjective criteria and these are more ephemeral [insubstantial]. For instance, if you want a darker sound, if you want a louder low register, if you want a more dependable high register, what is it you need to do? This article will be addressing some of these issues. It is my hope that it will give you some concepts that will be very helpful for your reed making.
8. 现在我要在这里谈谈是什么原因促使我写这篇文章的。在我研究了很多制作巴松管哨片的好材料之后,我注意到市场上有四分之三的书籍和文章都专注于巴松管哨片的制作,而只有很少的一部分文章或书籍谈到它的修整和调试的过程。我认为之所以会造成这种现象,是因为哨片的制作是以一种外观上可测量的、客观方式进行的。甚至有点像照着“菜谱”做饭。如果你这样、这样做;你就会得到这样的结果。但是不幸的是,原材料是多种多样的,曾经也许你的哨片都要完工了,但现在你需要一个新的方法去完成。你需要基于哨片的感觉作决定,阻碍在哪里,它是如何回应的,这是什么声音…正在制作的与你想要的簧片感觉一致吗?所以我们处理的是主观的标准,这些都是非常抽象的。举例来说,如果你想要一个暗一些的声音,如果你想要一个响亮的低音,如果你想要一个更稳定的高音,你需要去做什么?本文将针对这些问题去讨论。希望给你一些能对你的哨片制作有帮助的信息。

9. Well, in order to set the groundwork for this series of videos and this article that I have written, we need to define some terms. In fact this first video deals with these terms and basic concepts we will need to know.
9. 好的,为了给这一系列视频打一个基础,在这篇文章中,我们需要学习一些术语。事实上是这第一期视频中需要知道的一些专业术语和基本概念。

10. So here's some basic terms of the bassoon reed. This particular bassoon reed is not to proportion. In fact this article does not provide measurements at all. Please don't measure these illustrations. If you need to have measurements of bassoon reeds please look at the Internet sites I have already provided.
10. 这里是有关巴松管哨片的一些基本术语。这种特制的巴松管哨片无需按照比例制作。事实上,本文不提供任何尺寸。请不要测量这些插图。如果你需要尺寸的话,可以到网站上找,我都放在那儿了。

11. Starting at the top we have the "tip" of the bassoon reed. These angled corners let's refer to as the "wings" of the bassoon reed. There is a very critical center that we term the "heart" of the reed. That's very important for the tone quality and the vibrational characteristics. These alleyways here we will be talking about later. Here we have the "spine" that goes down the center of the reed. On the sides of the reed we have the "rails." This is all part of the lay of the blade.
11. 从最上面开始是我们巴松管哨片的“起音区”。两边的角落部分称为哨片的“启动区”。巴松管的“苇心”是一个非常关键的部分,它对于音质和振动特性都是非常重要的。这些“中脊边界”我们将以后探讨。从“苇心”向下是哨片的“中脊”。两边称之为“叠合轨”。这整个一部分构成了“苇片”。

12. As we get to the tube we have the "collar." Many bassoon reed makers leave a little bit of distance between the first wire and the collar. There are some bassoon reed makers that don't make a collar at all. This is more typical of the type we are going to call "sloped" or "pyramid" that we will talk about later. Here is the first wire. The second wire is twisted on the other side. The third word is usually covered up by a "Turk's head" or some other wrapping on the bassoon reed. There are some reed makers that even add a fourth wire in this location.
12. 与哨座结合的部分是“哨肩”。很多巴松管制造者在哨肩和第一铜环之间留出了一点距离。也有一些制造者一点距离都没留。这种更典型的类型我们称之为“倾斜刨面”或“金字塔刨面”,这个我们将以后讨论。这里是第一铜环。第二铜环缠绕在另一边。第三固定铜环通常被“特克头”或哨片上的其他包装盖住了。有一些巴松管制造者甚至在这个部分加入了第四铜环。

13. I want to talk a little bit about the concept of a ratio. If we are talking about a measurement of the thickness of the spine vs. a measurement of the rail, that's the spine to rails ratio. If we refer to the heart and wings, that is the "heart to wing ratio." This is another ratio that I will be talking about in this particular article. If the spine is 2 and the rail is 1 in thickness, then we have a 2 to 1 ratio. If the spine is 2 and the rail is thicker--1.7--then you have a 2 to 1.7 ratio.
13. 然后,我想谈一点关于比率的概念。“比率”是中脊整体和叠合轨或者苇心和启动振动区的厚度比例关系。还有另外一个比率我也将在这篇文章后面涉及到。如果中脊厚度为2,叠合轨厚度为1,那么它们之间的比率就是2:1。如果中脊厚度为2,叠合轨厚度厚一点为1.7,那么它们之间的比率就是2:1.7。

<Music: Hummel, Bassoon Concerto, I, Terry B. Ewell, bassoon, and Peter Amstutz, fortepiano, Oct. 1997, Kent University.>
<音乐:哈默巴松管协奏曲第一乐章,巴松管演奏:唐英伟博士;钢琴伴奏:彼得.阿姆斯特茨;199710月,肯特大学。> 以上版权归唐英伟博士所有(2012)