Welcome, this is Terry Ewell.
1. Welcome, this is Terry Ewell. Study #16 stresses excellent finger work. The sixteenth note runs should be fluid and with even finger motions. Fast moving 16th notes are best mastered with rhythms that emphasize multiple quick notes. The dotted rhythms, for instance, will not help us to master this study well.
2. Rather, rhythms of eighth notes with triplet sixteenths are much better because they force the fingers to move rapidly through groups of notes.
3. Sprints are another excellent way to master the study. In fact, this is the best practice method to use in this study. Line 5 in the study, for instance, presents some difficult finger combinations. Here is a sequence of sprints to practice for the first measure. Practice each sprint until you have mastered it in a tempo faster than what you will need to perform. Notice that I start from the end of the section and add more notes working backwards in the music.
3。快速练习是掌握这课练习另一种很好的方式。 例如,第5行给出了一些难度指法组合。第一小节有一个冲刺练习的模进。分组快速练习,直到你能熟练掌握一个比你演出时更快的速度。请注意,我是从该段的末尾开始练习,然后一点一点倒退着完成更多的音符。
4. This type of practice should be done for each measure in the line. Finally then connect the measures so that you have the whole line mastered.
5. Of course you will need to use the flick keys for the slurs to Bb3 and D4 in line 8.
6. If you are unable to play the passage in lines 6-8 in one breath, I have suggested breaths at the beginning of lines 7 and 8. Neither of these breaths is ideal, however, since breathing there will delay the downbeats.
Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone)
7. Weissenborn indicated his faith in God with his selection of the hymn tune in his Trio. Johann Sebastian Bach provided evidence of his faith in almost every musical work he wrote. He wrote the initials "S. D. G." at the end of all his church compositions and many of his secular works. This is an abbreviation for Soli Deo Gloria, a Latin phrase that means “to the glory of God alone.”
8. Bach didn’t just express his faith in public, there were many examples of his private devotion to God as well. One of my prized books is a copy of pages from Bach’s Bible. In the Bible are his underlinings, comments, and margin notes. Despite his very busy work schedule and the demands of a large family, Bach still made time to read the Bible. His notes in this book show his devotion to learning more about God.
Howard H. Cox, ed., The Calov Bible of J. S. Bach, (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985)
Patrick Kavanaugh, The Spiritual Lives of Great Composers (Nashville, Sparrow Press, 1992).