


1. I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.—Abraham Maslow
1,如果你唯一的工具是一把锤子,那么任何事情都好像是一个钉子,我想这是很有诱惑力的。 - 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛
ref.  Abraham H. Maslow (1966). The Psychology of Science.p. 15.  As quoted from

2. So far in the studies we have already considered many tools for practicing. In this reflection I present the notion of a toolbox full of methods for practicing the bassoon.

3. Abraham Maslow’s quotation about the hammer illuminates the absurdity of trying to fix every problem with a single tool. Likewise by now you should understand that the difficulties presented in the Weissenborn studies will not be fixed with a single approach to practicing.
3. 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛引用了一把锤子能解决所有问题的谬论。现在你应该明白,我们在维斯伯恩练习中遇到的困难也不是用一种练习方法就能解决的。

4. You need to have a “tool box” filled with practice solutions for different problems. You also need to have the wisdom to know which tool can be used to fix the problem. Hopefully you are beginning to understand the application of some of the tools I have present in the last 20 studies. More tools are yet to come!

5. Here for instance is an inventory of some the practice tools in my box with some references:


•一个用于节拍设置,精确,速度和时间的节拍器(Weissenborn #22, BDP#130)
•节奏(Weissenborn #24, BDP#132)
•细分(this study, BDP #129),
•长音 (低音练习) ( Weissenborn #1, BDP #109),
•鲁巴托驱动器(Music in Motion, BDP#100),
•颤音驱动器(Music in Motion, BDP#100),
•颤音练习(Weissenborn #37, BDP#145),
•耐力练习(“Wind Performer’s Guide to Increasing Endurance”).


•镜像(Weissenborn #2, BDP 110),
•切分 (Weissenborn #11, BDP#119),
•加速 (Weissenborn #11, BDP#119).

8. It is critical that you use the right tool for the right problem and then devote the practice time needed for mastery. In addition, use all of these tools to develop your musical acuity, that is, the ability to understand and hear all aspects of music. Develop your musical ear and your musical imagination not just technical facility. The goal is to be a musician not a machine.
8. 针对问题使用正确的工具,然后投入必须的练习时间是至关重要的。此外,使用所有这些工具来开发你的音乐敏锐度,也就是理解和聆听音乐的各个方面的能力。除了技巧之外,还要开发你的音乐耳朵和你的音乐想象力。我们的目标是成为一个音乐家而不是一台机器。



References for the discussion of mordents.

Weissenborn, Bassoon Studies Opus 8/1, For Beginners. (London: Edition Peters), page 42.No. 2277a.
Weissenborn, Bassoon School with Complete Theoretical Explanations. (Rob. ForbergMusikverlag), page 53.