


Welcome, this is Terry Ewell.
1. This is another study where breathing rapidly is necessary in order to avoid delaying entrances in the music. Again I encourage you to breathe by dropping the jaw and not raising the head. I have discussed this in prior videos in this series.

2. Focus on clean articulations for each note. You will need to flick articulated A3, Bb3, B3, and C4 notes. Please refer to Studies 3 and 4 on flicking if you need to review flicking technique.

3. Beat displacement is a great tool for practicing this study and the metronome is the best way to apply it. You probably haven’t thought about what a great tool the metronome can be for this study.

4. Let’s focus on the difficult passage in the second to last line. Several measures of the music are given in the top line. The first short segment coincides with the beat as written. In the second segment the beat is shifted one eighth note to the right. In the third segment the beat is shifted two eighth notes to the right.

5. Practice the short segments with the metronome:

Beat Displacement

6. Even though the finger combinations remain the same, it is amazing how different the passage feels with the beat shifted. This is a great workout for your brain!

7. After you have mastered short segments, work on longer segments.  In this way you can successfully perform the whole study.


8. How any musician could ever play with a metronome, passes my humble understanding. It is not only an inartistic, but a downright anti-artistic instrument.
— Constantin von Sternberg, Ethics and aesthetics of piano playing
8,经我卑微的理解,任何音乐家都不应该使用节拍器练习。它不仅是非艺术性的,而且是一个彻头彻尾的反艺术的仪器。-- 康斯坦丁·冯·斯登堡

9. You can visit this website and read of many evils attributed to the metronome. Perhaps inflation, world wars, and famine could be fixed by abolishing that evil machine!

10. Well, indeed, it is disagreeable to hear a performance that provides no metrical freedom, one that is rhythmically shackled. However, my experience working with students is that it is far more likely for rhythms and tempos to be terribly askew than too metrical.

11. The metronome is an instrument to be used to develop rhythmic precision. When that is mastered then you have a reference point from which to depart. It is a wonderful practice tool that builds the foundation for artistry.

12. I find the metronome indispensable for three reasons:
1) It is an aid for accurate tempos and rhythms.
2) It is a means of assessment. For instance, day by day you can chart your progress at performing a certain passage faster and faster.
3) It is a great tool to help with beat displacement.


13. Keep your metronome handy while you practice and reach for it often!
