

Welcome, this is Terry Ewell. Weissenborn study #28 provides us the opportunity to develop our tools for practicing in 6/8. Pull out your “toolbox” of rhythms and get to work! I want you to come up with at least six practice rhythms for the first two measures. Some should coincide with the beat and others won’t. Stop the video now.

1.    大家好!在今天的唐英伟巴松课堂里,我们将学习《维斯伯恩高级练习曲》的第28首。这首练习曲为我们提供了练习6/8拍的好机会。 好好回忆一下你进行过的节奏训练吧!我希望你能为开头的前两个小节想出之少6个练习方法。你构想的练习可能包含了6/8拍里的两个重拍,也可能没有突出重拍。好了,先把视频文件暂停,现在就开始节奏练习吧!

How did you do? We are now over half way through the Weissenborn studies and I expect that your understanding of how to use rhythms to practice is now well developed. Let’s compare notes. Here some of the possibilities.

1.    你会怎样做呢?目前为止,我们学习《维斯伯恩高级练习曲》已经过半,我希望你在节奏练习方面已经进步了。现在,让我们来比较一些音符,我这里列出了一些可能性:

Rhythms that coincide with the beat and meter:

1.    节奏与重拍和节拍一致:

Figure 1

Weiss 2

Weiss 3

Rhythms that coincide with the beat but change the meter:

1.    节奏与重拍一致,但需要改变节拍:

Weiss example

Weiss 5

Rhythms that depart from the beat and meter:

1.    节奏与重拍和节拍分离:

Weiss 6

Weiss 6

Weiss 7

Weiss 8

Naturally there are more rhythms as well. Be creative! Be sure to practice all of the difficult portions of this study with many rhythmic patterns.

1.    当然,关于节奏,这里还有更多的可能性。有创意地去组合吧!请你一定要尝试变换节奏型地练习这首练习曲里难度较大的乐段。

Students struggle with keeping an even tempo and correct rhythms in line 2. The key to a steady rhythm is subdivisions. Hear in your mind eighth notes when you perform this passage.

1.    在这首曲子的第二行,很多学生认为演奏正确的节奏时保持稳定的速度很难。如果你想使得节奏稳定,一定要把它进行细分。当你演奏这段时,心里一定要数着、听着8分音符。

(singing) etc. So if you hear those eighth notes that will help you with this passage.

1.    唱一唱。 如果你能在脑海里听到这些8分音符,那么这会对演奏这个乐段有很大帮助。

Let’s also concentrate on good intonation. Set your drone to D and practice through the first four lines up to the fine.

1.    同时,我们也要注意音准。现在在D音上吹奏嗡嗡声,这样练习前四行到fine

Let me do a little practice for you to observe:

1.    现在,我演奏一段小练习供你观察:

Weissenborn STudy 28

The intervals are difficult to tune. So my questions to you are, “How do we tune notes on the bassoon?” “Have you carefully thought about this or examined the issue of tuning?” The next three reflections will be devoted to answering this question more fully.

1.    这里的音程关系很难准确。我的问题也由此而来:我们在巴松上怎样调整音准呢?你有没有认真地想过这个问题或者考虑过哪些是影响音准的因素呢?以下的思考时间会帮助我们更清楚地探讨这个问题。