

1.1.Welcome, this is Terry Ewell.
There are three common problems with practicing and performing the 2nd study. First, often this study is performed too fast, with one beat in a measure. Weissenborn intended the study, however, to be performed with three beats in each measure. He provides the tempo allegretto with further instructions tempo di minuetto. This means the tempo of a minuet.



2.The second problem is that the slurred notes sound louder than the tongued notes. This is a common problem on wind instruments. Sustained notes sound louder than shorter notes. To correct this, the performer must give more air on the shorter notes to compensate.


Examples. Poorly balanced. Well balanced

Slurred, Tongued

3.The third problem is that bassoonists often move their jaws when tonguing notes. This is inefficient and at worse it can change the pitch and timbre of the sound. The quality of the air and the position of the embouchure should be the same whether slurred or tongued.


4.All slurred; With articulation


Examples. All slurred. With articulation.

5.Practice the exercise in front of a mirror to check your embouchure.



Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. (NKJV, Genesis 2:15)

耶和华神将那人安置在伊甸园,使他修理看守。(和合本, 创世纪2:15)

Your garden is everything you do in your life: How you practice your instrument. How you talk with others. How you do your other activities. Consider what you can do to make your garden even more beautiful.
