

Welcome, this is Terry Ewell. I interpret the “con fuoco” marking, “with fire,” to indicate that the dotted eighth notes should be separated. This gives the performance more zeal and passion. It then contrasts nicely with the “tranquillo” section that is calmer and slurred.

欢迎大家!我是唐英伟。首先,我要解释一下”con fuoco”标记,也就是“火热地、如火地”。同时,在这里,附点八分音符应该演奏为断奏。这样会使得我们的演奏更加充满热情。这也与后面平静并需要连贯演奏的“tranquillo”(安静的、平静的)乐段形成了鲜明的对比。

In the last two lines, “leggermente” means lightly. Don’t accent the “tenuto” quarter notes. This is more an indication to hold them to full value rather than to stress the notes.

在最后两行中,”leggermente” 的意思是轻轻的。不要在“持续音”四分音符上做重音处理。这里重音标记更多的意思是保持它们的全部时值,而非着重强调这些音符。

Throughout the movement I make use of the alternative Gb3 fingering when approached by or going to Bb3. I also make use of the left hand only Db4 and Eb3 fingerings. These are not marked in the music because you should be familiar with these fingerings now and when to use them.


Alternate Fingerings

Alternate Fingerings

I also add the C# resonance key to stabilize and help the intonation with Bb3 at the “Fine.”


Bb3 with Resonance Key

I use the alternate fingering for Gb4 in line 3 measure 4. This fingering works much better for the slur from Bb4. This is the same fingering I use in the second solo passage in the Rite of Spring.



In my videos on the Rite of Spring (BDP #92-94) I discuss this passage and other aspects for practicing the work.


Now let’s work on phrasing. In line 10 I challenge you to practice phrasing the first four measures in three different ways. This will help you to better understand the subtle roles of dynamics and rubato with phrase shapes.


First shape the four measures in separate one measure phrases. Do this both on a monotone and as written. The arrows point to the musical goals, so these phrases start with climaxes and are shaped away from them.


1 Meas. Phrases

Phrases to Meas. 3

Phrase to 4 Meas.


What is the most recited verse in the entire Bible? If you said, “John 3:16” you might be partially correct. That is perhaps the most translated verse in all of human history. It appears in more languages than any other portion of literature. However, my question was about which verse is the most recited.


For centuries Jews and even the first Christians recited the “Sh’ma Yisrael,” ( יִשְׂרָאֵל שְׁמַע‎) translated as “Hear, O Israel.” A portion of this is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5. For centuries believers have recited these words at least two times a day:


 Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. (NKJV, Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

“以色列啊,你要听!耶和华-我们神是独一的主。你要尽心、尽性、尽力爱耶和华-你的神。” (申命记6:4-5)

Jesus was asked by a legal authority, “What is the greatest commandment of all?” He answered with a portion of the Sh’ma Yisrael, but made one change. He replied:

一个法律权威问耶稣:“什么是最重要的戒律?” 他以《听,哦以色列》中的一段作答,但做了一处改变。他回答道:

‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind… (NKJV, Luke 10:27)


I find the addition of the portion “with all your mind” very interesting. There is no question that Jesus was a brilliant man. But the addition of this portion is not just for the smartest people. Jesus is indicating that God desires devotion and love from every portion of our being. He wants all of you: your emotions, your actions, and your thoughts.
