

1. In the 3rd study I presented fingerings for flick keys. In this 4th study we will use the flick or vent keys again. There is one additional flick key, however, for D4 (re). Normally when I tongue this D (re) I don’t use the flick key. However, for slurring up to D4 the flick key is needed.


D4 Flick

2.In order to create a smooth slur you will need to release the whisper (piano) key early. In the beginning you may find it helpful to practice the study like this:


Practicing Flicking

3.The slur to E4 (mi) in measure 4 is best by leaving off the first finger in the right hand.


E4 slur

4.The transition from triplets to duplets is difficult for some students. Practice this exercise to master even notes:


Duplets to Triplets 1

Duplets to Triplets 2

5.The triplet entrance is further improved by subdividing in triplets in your mind  on the beat before the triplet notes.


Example with triplet subdivisionTriplet divisions

6.The general rule is to hold the note under the fermata twice as long. Thus this quarter note should be held for about the length of a half note.



7.The caesura indicates a pause or silence in the music. Informally we call this “railroad tracks” in English.


"Railroad" Tracks


Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. (NKJV, Genesis 1:31)

神看着一切所造的都甚好。 (和合本, 创世纪1:31)

Sometimes when I play the bassoon I just enjoy the feeling of the instrument resonating in my hands. At times I even feel the sound vibrate in my body. There is such beauty that is possible with a musical instrument. It is very good! Be thankful for this wonderful and good gift.
