
Weissenborn Opus 8/2, Study #50B for advanced bassoon students. The final examination and how to obtain a certificate. Performance of Study #50. By Terry B. Ewell, Bassoon Digital Professor. BDP#159.

维斯伯恩 练习曲视频 50B (Practicing Weissenborn Study #50B)


维斯伯恩作品Op. 8/2,第50首,B部分,为高级巴松学生而做。这首本套最后一首练习曲,考察并颁发结业证书。唐英伟博士,巴松管数码教授,

Translated by Xiao Liang 


Well, we have come to the end of our journey together! I find it hard to believe that this project is coming to an end. When I began planning this series well over a year ago, I thought I might produce about 30 videos that summarized the content of the 50 studies. I didn’t even dream at the time that I would be providing you with performances of every study, most of which include the entire study. In addition, I have been able to provide many more details in the tutorials and reflections than I thought I would be able to do. Thank you Towson University for the sabbatical that made this possible!


Again I want to thank my students who helped by recording 13 of the studies. Without their assistance I could not have completed this series.


I feel that there must be some way to celebrate your achievement as you are completing the 50 studies. If you have watched the videos to all of the studies and practiced them, I have a special offer for you.


For your final examination send to me a link to your video of one of these assignments:


1) Weissenborn Study #43. The four measure phrase in lines 9 and 10. Provide the three different articulations for the 32nd notes (5, 3, 1) and the five different articulations for the 16th notes (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). See my video (BDP# 151) for a further explanation.

Or 2) Weissenborn Study #50.


Please don’t send the actual video by email attachment because they are too large for email. The video can be posted on YouTube, Jing, or another site and then the link forwarded to me. Here are links to information on uploading videos to YouTube and Jing.


You can also use high tail (formerly known as as a means of forwarding your video to me.


Upon my review of your video I will send to you a certificate of completion for the course of study.


Currently my email is at Towson University. In your email message to me provide the following text:


Dr. Ewell email


Dear Dr. Ewell,
I have completed viewing your video series on the Weissenborn Bassoon Studies, Opus 8/2. I have also completed the final examination. Here is the link to my video for you to review:
(provide link)
Please send to me the certificate by:
___ email attachment    or ____ by mail.
…(additional comments by you).

亲爱的唐英伟博士:我已经完成了观看你的全套《维斯伯恩巴松高级练习曲》,Op. 8/2,并且完成了最后的考试。这里是我的视频链接,供您查阅。(提供链接)。请通过以下方式将结业证书发送给我:电子邮件附件或纸质邮件。(并请附上您的评语)。

If you want me to mail to you a certificate, please provide me with your email or mailing address. Please also include your full name for the certificate.


I hope that your studies on bassoon and your progress in life are going well. It has been a joy for me to share these videos with you. God bless you.




Portions of music used in Weissenborn #50, part A (BDP #158):

Maurice Ravel, Concerto (Paris: Durand & Cie, 1932)

C. Saint-Saëns, Sonata pour Bassoon avec accompt de Piano (Paris: Durand & Cie, 1921).

Alexandre Tansman, Sonatine pour Bassoon et Piano (Paris: Editions Max Eschig, 1952)

Also in part A, graphic of drill set: