

1.Furioso means forceful and turbulent. This exercise should be played with much energy.


2.There are five articulations in this study, all of which need to be played differently. These five articulations in the order of appearance are staccatissimo, no marking, staccato, accented, and accented with staccato.



No Marking



Accent with Staccatto

3.In this study I prefer to play the staccatissimo notes not only shorter than the staccato notes, but also with an accent. I think that this better expresses the Furioso marking. The accented notes with staccato are separated and with emphasis, but they are never as short as the staccatissimo notes.


4.Improve control over your tongue by practicing these articulation drives. The number 1 indicates the shortest duration (staccatissimo). The number 5 indicates the longest duration (legato tonguing).


Example of articulation drives.


And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (NKJV, Genesis 2:18)

耶和华神说,那人独居不好,我要为他 造一个配偶 帮助他。(和合本, 创世纪2:18)

Tending the garden is more enjoyable with others helping. We need the help and encouragement of others. Don’t allow your practicing to make you a hermit! Be sure to share your talents and experiences with others.

和他人一起/照顾伊甸园 会变得/更愉快。我们需要  别人的帮助  和鼓励。不要因为练习 而成为隐士! 一定要和别人  去分享  你的才能/和经验。