When I studied piano with Paul McNeely as a young student I recall him talking about measuring our performances against perfection. "You will never reach perfection, but you have to keep striving for it." At the time I accepted that as a great philosophy. This was a philosophy that I applied to many things in my life, not just music.
Over time (over much time!) I have seen the distructive consequences of this philosophy. One can never attain perfection, we always fall short. If for a moment we think we have achieved it, then pride takes over. It is a vicious circle: dispair when not achieving perfection; pride if we think we have.
There is, however, another philosphy. Instead of perfection seek excellence. Excellence is using your abilities, God given abilities, to the best. Not just for yourself, but excellence for others as well.
If you are interested in learning more see this video:
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