The Christian Life is Like a Baroque Sonata. Devotional by Terry B.
Ewell. Masterworks Festival, 2021 July 15. Audio only.
The study of music can provide many examples of how to live a rewarding
Christian life. Today, I want to present to you a musical analogy that
gives rich insights into Christian living. This talk will be about
Christian maturity and how to live a life that is more closely aligned
with God.
The Christian life is like a Baroque sonata. Now, I could just as
easily state that “The Christian Life is like a Jazz
Chart,” but since most of us here are classically trained
musicians I will stick with the analogy to the Baroque Sonata. Please
note that I said, “Baroque” not “broken” or
“broke.” I am referring to a period of time when the
composers J. S. Bach, Handel, and Telemann lived.
The Baroque sonata features a bassline. The bassline is the foundation
of the work, upon which rests that harmony and melody of the work. In
music you just can’t play anything you want above the bassline
and have a great result. Your melody needs to be in harmony with the
bassline. It also needs to match the tempo and style. In music you need
to carefully study the baseline to understand its movement and
requirements. Learning and understanding the bassline doesn’t
just happen in a few moments.
I liken the bassline of a Baroque sonata to the moral will of God. In
the Bible in Romans chapter 1, Paul presents the consequences of those
who don’t match the moral will of God. If you want to be in
harmony with God, yourself, and others it is essential to adjust your
life to God’s moral will.
I became a Christian at the age of 15 at a music festival. When I first
accepted Christ, I didn’t understand fully God’s will for
my life. In the first few years of my Christian life, I was learning
about God’s moral will, His bassline. It took me many years of
study to understand this, and I am still learning more things even now,
almost 50 years later, about that moral will of God. It is the Bible
that teaches this moral will and it is the Bible that needs to be
carefully studied. 2 Timothy 3:16 reads: “All Scripture is given
by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may
be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NKJV)
Also, the Holy Spirit will guide you to understand the moral will of
God. John 16:13 states, “The Spirit of truth…will guide
you into all truth.” So, this bassline representing God’s
moral will is the foundation and first part of the Baroque Sonata.
Accompanying the bassline in the Baroque Sonata are numbers that are
often referred to as figures. These are connected to the bassline and
for this reason often referred to as “figured bass.” While
the bassline of a Baroque Sonata almost always is played as written,
this is not the case with those numbers. The numbers do not refer to
specific notes in music but rather to intervals above the bass. All of
the numbers are dependent upon the bass, but the expressions of these
numbers, also called “realizations,” can be played with
different notes. Each performer of a Baroque Sonata will realize or
present the harmonies above the bass in different ways. You see the
realization of these numbers is not legalistic, rather it is dependent
upon the decisions of the performer. The expressions of these numbers
are artistic not mechanical.
I compare these numbers to our moral convictions in the Christian life.
Now, moral convictions are different than God’s moral will, just
as the numbers in the Baroque Sonata are different than the bassline.
Part of Christian maturity is to understand the difference. So, let me
explain this further.
When I first discovered God’s moral will I made the decision to
follow it in my life. For instance, in 1 Corinthians 6:9 it states that
Christians should avoid fornication and adultery. I made the decision
to enter marriage as a virgin, not having sex before marriage. This is
part of God’s moral will and it is clearly stated in the New
However, there are decisions of moral convictions that are different.
For instance, Eric Liddell, known to us in the movie Chariots of Fire,
made the decision not to run in the Olympics on Sunday, his sabbath
day. Now this is a conviction, not a commandment given in the New
Testament to Christians. Keeping the sabbath is a requirement for
practicing Jews but not for all Christians. Avoiding work on the
sabbath is not stated as God’s moral will in the New Testament.
Eric Liddell’s conviction, however, brought honor to God and Eric
was blessed through his faithfulness.
One of my moral convictions that I established during my early years as
a Christian was to tithe, that is to donate, 10% of my income to the
church. This is not required by any verse in the New Testament, but I
saw it as an expression of my faith in God and my desire to please Him.
I felt led by the Holy Spirit to make that conviction and I have
continued to do so out of love not obligation. As a result, I have
found that God has blessed and honored that moral conviction in my
Now, some of the confusion as to the difference between convictions and
God’s moral will happen due the communities we come from. If you
were raised in a very strict, even legalistic environment, you need to
carefully study passages about the freedom allowed us in our faith. For
instance, when the early church council met in Jerusalem to decide the
requirements for the Gentile believers, there were very few
requirements given. You can read the letter they sent to the Gentile
Christians in Acts 15. These new Gentile believers were not required to
be circumcised, to adopt Jewish codes for eating, or required to keep
the Jewish sabbaths or religious holy days. You can read further about
Christian liberty and freedom in Romans 14. On the other hand, if you
were brought up in a very libertine, sexually promiscuous, partying
environment you need to carefully consider God’s moral will about
sexual purity, intoxication, the use of foul language, etc. Writings in
Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6 provide some counsel about these matters.
There is one more thing I want to state about the numbers. Since each
performer will realize or present the numbers in a different manner in
the music, likewise each of us will live according to our convictions
before God. As long as these convictions line up with God’s moral
will, we should not be hasty to judge another’s
convictions. In fact, this is part of the beauty of the Christian
life. We can play from the same bassline—God’s moral
will—and yet present varied music according to our different
convictions. This is a wonderful diversity that provides variations to
the music we call the Christian life.
So, we have considered the bassline—God’s moral will, the
numbers—our convictions, and now we arrive at the melody in the
Baroque Sonata. For the Baroque performer, the melody provides for
freedoms called ornamentation or free ornamentation. Performers of
Baroque music were expected to add their own personal touch and
improvisations to the music and produce beautiful melodies. These
improvisations would be different with each performance.
The melody of a Baroque Sonata corresponds to our preferences in life:
where to live, what career to pursue, who to make friends with, or what
to eat. Paul states in Colossians 3:23-24 “And whatever you do,
do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the
Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the
Lord Christ.” You see, in our Christian life we have remarkable
freedoms, ways in which to satisfy our souls and at the same time to
glorify God. Just as Baroque performers would never play repeated
passages in the same manner, likewise, the Christian lives need to be
filled with rich variation, not monotony.
We also find among Baroque sonatas a special composition called the
“trio sonata.” This features two solo lines above the bass
and the figures and therefore increases the complexity of the
composition. I compare the trio sonata to Christian marriage. This is
where two partners are committed to performing from the same bassline,
the same harmony, and complementing each other with their ornamented
melodies. What an incredible accomplishment it is to see a Christian
marriage that exhibits this beauty of God!
In my early years as a Christian, I made the decision that I would only
consider dating, going out with, or socializing with a Christian woman.
We read in the 2 Corinthians 6:14 that we should not be unequally yoked
with unbelievers. Since there are so few Christians in our society, it
is indeed difficult to reduce the number of available partners you can
consider. This is a sacrifice. I can tell you, though, that in my 42
years of marriage the wait was worth it. My wife and I have played our
music into each other’s lives, into our children, grandchildren,
friends, neighbors, and community. It is wonderful to look back on a
well-performed composition. I want to see each of you have a
well-performed composition as a part of your life.
Now, please, however, understand that the trio sonata is not only
limited to Christian married couples. In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul speaks
about a single person who is just as concerned about pleasing the Lord
as one would be pleasing a spouse in marriage. A trio sonata is more
than just following God’s moral will and fulfilling convictions.
It is about pleasing and bringing joy to the other. If you are
unmarried, but occupied with bringing pleasure to God, you are now a
melody in a trio sonata with the Lord as your partner.
So, I want you to close your eyes now and consider your life with this
application to the Baroque Sonata. What it means to be a disciple of
Christ, which is more than just an initial decision. This involves
daily commitment and daily effort. I want you to examine now how
closely you are following God as a Christian.
First, I want you to think about that bassline, the foundation of your
life. Is your life in alignment with God’s moral will? You can be
a Christian and not closely follow God. Are you letting God write the
bassline of your composition or are you trying to be the composer? Are
you adjusting your life to His directions?
Lord, I pray for those here hearing my voice and Holy Spirit as you tap
them with your convictions. You will point out those areas of their
lives where they need to more closely follow your direction, your moral
will. So that they will be pleasing in Your Life.
Now, let’s now concentrate on the convictions. Do your
convictions express your desires to please God or are they merely out
of obligation. Maybe it is to please others. Does your conviction have
the blessing of God’s Holy Spirit? Do you have confirmation in
your soul and evidence from your actions that this conviction is from
the Lord?
Lord, there may be some here with convictions that have been forced
upon them or they feel in bondage and not in liberty to worship You and
love You. We pray in this moment there would be a release now. That
those convictions that they have, Lord, are to serve you, only to
please you and not for others.
Keeping on the convictions. Do you have an attitude that brings
judgement on others and their convictions? We have to allow for others
to live their convictions out.
Lord, we ask you to give us a humble heart. To see that others are
serving you. To give them space in which to honor You and express their
love to You.
Last of all, are you considering a partner in life or do you have
a partner in life? When you play your melody, is it trampling upon the
other melody that is part of your trio sonata? Or are you
allowing room and spaces for your partner to flourish. If your partner
is the Lord, then are you sensitive to the Lord being your partner in
that melody? Will you align with His will and His desires for your life
and the beauty He wants to bring upon you.
God, I pray for those within the hearing of my voice now will be called
to this beauty that we have in our lives. You want to make a beautiful
melody out of our lives. You want us to align with your will, with your
harmony. You want a song that resonates for those around us, our
neighbors and friends, Lord. You want it to be something that we are
enraptured with. We study as musicians to produce beautiful music so
let us study as Christians to make something beautiful out of our
lives. We are so grateful to you, Lord. We are so grateful that you are
the great composer, the great conductor, the great director of our
lives. To you we bow and give our will and ask for your mercy. In your
name Jesus, amen.