Orefici Melodic Studies

Orefici's Melodic Study #20. Comments on the Russian style in the study and concluding comments by Terry B. Ewell. BDP #351. www.2reed.net.

[Excerpt from Orefici #5, performed by Terry B. Ewell]

Well, study number 20 by Orefici brings us to the end of the series. I hope that this has been a great blessing to you, that it has brought beauty into your life, you have enjoyed the journey, you have gained not only some musical knowledge, and you have been spurred on to study more of these Melodic Studies by Orefici.

This last study is the second in what I have determined as the international studies. It seems to be more Russian in mood than Italian. I am reminded of Glinka and perhaps you will be as well. Except for the B section, which is strictly Orefici with his typical melody, lyricism, and leaps. The A sections are clearly more Russian in character and seem to depart in mood from the rest of the studies.

Completing these studies has been a four-year or so period of dedication. First, gaining the studies themselves: scanning and editing them and waiting for the copyright to expire so that I could make them freely available. Then recording and making these videos.

So, I hope that you greatly gain from them. God bless you! Bye.

[Orefici #20]

[Excerpt from Orefici #5, performed by Terry B. Ewell]