Orefici Melodic Studies

Orefici's Melodic Study #7. Discussion of deciso and tempo markings. Performance of the 7th study by Terry B. Ewell. BDP #332. www.2reed.net.

[Music: Orefici’s Melodic Study #5, performed by Terry B. Ewell]

So, just a few comments on Orefici #7. The deciso indication in the opening means that this should be played with stress, with decisiveness, if you want to say. In particular, I make a decisive difference in the accents that are without staccato and the accents with. I make the accents without staccato with longer value notes, full length, and the ones with the staccato shorter in duration.

The other thing I do, which I think harkens back to Orefici’s operatic style and the culture of that time, is found in line four. Here the forte poco rit. I play at a slower tempo. Unfortunately he has this marking and I don’t think it is a ritardando that he was after that is gradually slower and slower. I think that really he meant this to be a slower tempo. That makes more sense at this forte place. Then he has a tempo, which certainly comes back to the opening tempo.

Let me leave you with this word of encouragement before you hear the performance of the Orefici seventh study. These are some words from the Apostle Paul.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

[Music: Orefici’s Melodic Study #5 performed by Terry B. Ewell]