Seventh Bassoon Lesson, Part 2
Dynamics and phrasing. Studies by A Tune a Day, Rubank, and
Weissenborn. By Terry B. Ewell. BDP#196.
Music: “Home Sweet Home” from A Tune a Day,
lesson 29 number 6.>
So let’s now apply our use of
crescendo and diminuendo to musical examples. Changing the volume of the music
gives direction to the music, the musical motion. This is what we call
musicality. “Crescendoing,”
“diminuendoing” is one part of
musicality. We need to master that. So
let’s look at these examples here.
Lesson 7, number 6 features four measure
phrasing. I am going to aim to go to measure 3 in this first line.
<Example: Rubank
Lesson 7, number 6>
In what we call
Common Practice music, that is music from Western Europe and even America, you
find that in the Classical, Romantic, and even the 20th century; you
find even measures of phrases. That is two, four, or even eight measures. These
tend to be most typical.
In the first one
in Rubank we had four measure phrases. I phrased to the middle of that phrase.
It is usually towards the middle or near the end of the phrase that you will
find the arrival point or the climax.
In this
A Tune a Day lesson 16, number 5 we
will see that “Yankee Doodle” is set
up as two two-bar phrases followed by a four bar phrase. So I am going to phrase
in that way. Creating nice unified gestures.
A Tune a Day
lesson 16, number 5>
Did you notice that my phrases,
the arrival points coincided with downbeats. That is fairly typical. We find
usually that the highlight (goal) of the phrase often is metrically stressed. A
downbeat is metrically stressed or even harmonically stressed. Often in Common
Practice music there will be chord changes, very significant changes, that occur
on downbeats.
Now the last one I want to play
for you is from the Weissenborn,
Bassoon-School, page 10, Minuetto. Now, this is interesting. We have four
bar phrases, but we have upbeats into the phrases. This is also what we can an
“anacrusis.” Upbeat. So our four bar
phrases instead of coinciding with measure lines, they are just a little bit
askew. They start one beat early and end one beat early.
Here is the first line of that:
< Example: Weissenborn,
Bassoon-School, page 10, Minuetto>
Let me play that for you slowly.
< Example: Weissenborn,
Bassoon-School, page 10, Minuetto>
Music is like conversation. It
has meaning to it. It has gestures; it has motion. So, try to speak through your
As you become more familiar with
music, you will learn where to phrase in the music. A good place to start your
understanding of phrasing is with my video for Weissenborn’s Study #38.
I also have videos in three
languages on phrasing that are linked on my website Check them out:
Music: “Home Sweet Home” from A Tune a Day,
lesson 29 number 6.>
Copyright (c) 2016 By Terry B. Ewell. All rights reserved.