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Ministry to Double Reed Musicians

Link to other difficult passages

Ravel, Maurice. Piano Concerto in G, E5 in the solo.

Beasley, Rule. In Klimko, Ronald. Bassoon Performance Practices and Teaching in the United States and Canada. Idaho: University of Idaho, 1974, p. 63. L. H.: thumb D and C# keys; half-hole E hole, cover D and C holes. R. H.: cover B and A holes; G key.

/ x x | x x x

Ravel, Maurice. Piano Concerto in G, C#5 and E5 in solo. Cooper, L. Hugh. The Double Reed 1/2 (October 1978): 13. For the C#5 approach use Cooper p. 331 with the D speaker key. Release the D and C speaker keys before the fingering shift to E5.

C#5:                   E5:
     Eb                 eb Eb 
 x o x | x o x         o o x | o o o Ab
d c                       a   Bb



Artwork and Graphics by Terry B. Ewell

Copyright 2015-18 by Terry B. Ewell.