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Clifton, Thomas. Music as Heard: A Study in Applied Phenomenology. New Haven, CT, 1983. See chapters 4 and 5.

Cox, Arnie. “The Metaphoric Logic of Musical Motion and Space.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1999.

Cumming, Naomi. “'Metaphors of Space and Motion in the Linear Analysis of Melody.”  Miscellanea musicologica 17 (1990): 143-66.

Epstein, David . Beyond Orpheus: Studies in Musical Structure (Cambridge, MA, 1979). See p. 55.

Epstein, David. Shaping time: Music, the Brain, and Performance.  New York: Schirmer Books, 1995.

Ewell, Terry. "A Bassoonist's Expansions upon Marcel Tabuteau's 'Drive,'" The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 20 (July 1992): 27-30.

Ewell, Terry. "Symmetry, Aesthetics, and Phrasing in Music." Bassoon Digital Professor # 57, 2010. YouTube video.

Ewell, Terry. "Teaching the Beginning Bassoonist," The Double Reed 23/2 (2000): 35-43. See lesson 7.

Ewell, Terry. "Using the Bassoon Bocal as a Diagnostic and Pedagogical Tool" Journal of the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors 60/3 (Spring 1992): 4-7.

Fleming, William. “The Element of Motion in Baroque Art and Music.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism  5/2, Special Issue on Baroque Style in Various Arts (Dec., 1946): 121-128.

Fink, Robert. “Goal-Directed Soul? Analyzing Rhythmic Teleology in African American Popular Music.”  Journal of the American Musicological Society 64/1 (Spring 2011): 179-238.

Gjerdingen, Robert O.  “Apparent Motion in Music?”  Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 11/4  (Summer, 1994): 335-370.

Hanford, Lisa. “A New Model for Pitch Motion in Tonal Music.” Music Analysis 6/1-2 (Mar. - Jul., 1987):  133-167.

Hasty, Christopher F. “Rhythm in Post-Tonal Music: Preliminary Questions of Duration and Motion.” Journal of Music Theory 25 (1981): 183-216.

Hefner, Donald L. "The Tradition of the Paris Conservatory School of Oboe Playing with Special Attention to the Influence of Marcel Tabuteau." Ph. D. diss. Catholic University of America, 1984. See pp. 158-168.

Keil, Charles M. H. “Motion and Feeling through Music.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24/3 (Spring, 1966): 337-349.

de Lerma, Dominique-Rene. "Toward a Concept of Tabuteau's Phrasing," The Instrumentalist (March 1974).

Lochhead, Judy. “The Metaphor of Musical Motion: Is There an Alternative?” Theory and Practice 14-15 (1989-90): 83-103.

Madison, Guy. “Experiencing Groove Induced by Music: Consistency and Phenomenology.” Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 24/2 (December 2006): 201-208.

McGill, David. Sound in Motion: A Performer’s Guide to Greater Musical Expression. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.

Palmer, Caroline. “Sequence Memory in Music Performance.” Current Directions in Psychological Science 14/5 (Oct., 2005): 247-250.

Repp, Bruno R. “Music as Motion: A Synopsis of Alexander Truslit's ‘Gestaltung und Bewegung in der Musik’ (1938).” Psychology of Music 21 (1993): 48-72. See the lengthy bibliography for further references not contained here.

Shove, Patrick and Repp, Bruno R. “Musical Motion and Performance: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives.” The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation ed. John Rink (Cambridge, 1995):55-83.

Stolper, Daniel. "A Conversation with Joseph Robinson," The Double Reed 4/1 (March 1981): 19.

Storch, Laila. Marcel Tabuteau: How Do You Expect to Play the Oboe if You Can't Peel a Mushroom? Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008.

Todd, Neil. “Music and Motion: A Personal View.” Proceedings of the Fourth Rhythm Workshop: Rhythm Perception and Production. ed. Catherine Auxiette, Carolyn Drake and Claire Gerard (Bourges, 1992), 123-8.