Most of the videos may be accessed on the home page or through YouTube. Here, however, are links to videos that appear only on this site.

Some videos appear on this site only to allow for larger screen size and clarity, because their length exceeds ten minutes, or because their content best suits this location. Also videos on this page and Bassoon Digital Professor and Oboe Digital Professor are in varied formats, thus viewing is available for iPod and differing computer platforms.

The complete listing of videos is available at:

Bassoon Digital Professor Oboe Digital Professor

Circular Breathing

Circular Breathing

Bassoon Reed Finishing

    (Bassoon Reed Finishing, cont.)

  • Bassoon Reed Finishing: Part 3 Observations, Balancing (2007, BDP #3)

  • RealPlayeriPod or mpeg4 (mv4) 

  • Bassoon Reed Finishing: Part 4 Tactile and Visual Observations (2007, BDP #4)

  • RealPlayeriPod or mpeg4 (mp4) 

