
Ministry to Double Reed Musicians

Audio Archive

2reed.net Podcasts

Prof. Bridget Z. Sullivan, Online and Arts Professor at Towson University (16 min.) link | transcript

14. Prof. Bridget Z. Sullivan, Online and Arts Professor at Towson University. She was Towson University’s first 100% online instructor. In this interview Prof. Sullivan addresses issues that will challenge artists and musicians as they move into online instruction. October 16, 2018. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Nancy Goeres, bassoonist, and Michael Rusinek, clarinetist. (14 min.) link | The transcript was published in The Double Reed 41/3 (Winter 2018): 95-99.

13. Nancy Goeres and Michael Rusinek talk about the Jonathan Leshnoff Double Concerto for Clarinet, Bassoon, and Orchestra. October 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell. The premiere of the Double Concerto for Clarinet, Bassoon, and Orchestra by Jonathan Leshnoff will be on June 6, 7, 8 and 9 in 2019 by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra with Michael Rusinek (clarinet), Nancy Goeres (bassoon), and Manfred Hoeneck (conductor). This podcast contains an excerpt from the 4th movement of the Leshnoff Violin Concerto, downloaded from jonathanleshnoff.com.

Fábio Cury discusses his studies with Klaus Thunemann (4 1/2 min.) link | transcript

12. Fábio Cury, bassoonist. In this podcast Fábio talks about his studies with Klaus Thunemann in Germany. September 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Fábio Cury, bassoonist (12 min.) link | transcription

11. Fábio Cury, bassoonist. In this podcast Fábio discusses his approach to performance and his career in São Paulo. September 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Anne Gilby discusses Helmut Winschermann (4 min.) link | transcript

10. Anne Gilby, oboist. In this podcast Anne discusses her studies with Helmut Winschermann in Germany. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Anne Gilby discusses Léon Goosens (5 1/2 min.) link | transcript

9. Anne Gilby, oboist. In this podcast Anne discusses her studies with Léon Goosens in England. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Anne Gilby, oboist (13 min.) link | transcript

8. Anne Gilby, oboist. In this podcast Anne discusses the music scene in Australia and her career. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Nuria Cabezas Castaño, oboist (12 min.) link | transcript

7. Nuria Cabezas Castaño, oboist. In this podcast Nuria discusses her online videos, online teaching, and her career change from South Africa to Spain. Nuria hosts the website https://musicbayside.com/. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Nuria Cabezas Castaño, oboísta (14 1/2 min.) link | transcripción

6. Nuria Cabezas Castaño, oboísta. En este podcast, Nuria nos habla un poco sobre su carrera musical, nos presenta y explica su proyecto "Music Bayside" (clases y material pedagógico online para oboe), y nos habla un poco, desde su experiencia, de las características de las clases online. Entrevistador: Germán Martínez López.

Carlos Gabriel Arias Sánchez, fagotista (22 min.) link | transcripción

5. Carlos Gabriel Arias Sánchez, fagotista. En este podcast, Carlos Gabriel nos cuenta la historia de su carrera musical, nos presenta y explica su proyecto "Los Fagotistas" academia itinerante y nos expone su enfoque de la pedagogía para el fagot. Entrevistador: Germán Martínez López.

Pedro Pérez Conejero, fagotista y fabricante de cañas (11 min.) link | transcripción

4. Pedro Pérez Conejero, fagotista y fabricante de cañas. En este podcast, Pedro nos cuenta cómo comenzó la idea de fabricar cañas, cómo enfoca él la construcción de cañas, qué es lo más importante para él en el proceso de fabricación y nos habla un poco sobre su visión del estilo de cañas que se usan en España. Agosto de 2018. Entrevistador: Germán Martínez López.

Miguel Puchol, fabricante de cañas español (15 min.) link | transcripción

3. Entrevista con Miguel Puchol, fabricante de cañas español. En este podcast, Miguel nos cuenta cómo surgió en su vida la fabricación de cañas, cómo decidió sacar adelante su negocio y nos explica un poco en qué consiste su trabajo como fabricante de cañas. Además, nos da también unas pequeñas instrucciones para realizar un raspado básico de la caña. Agosto de 2018. Entrevistador: Germán Martínez López.

Rolf Van der Geest, bassoonist (11 min.) link | transcript

2. Interview with Rolf Van der Geest, who has the world's largest collection of bassoon cards, stamps, and other items. He discusses the items in his collection and directs the audience to his website that features some of the collection: https://volgensrolf.nl/. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

William Short, bassoonist (10 1/2 min.) link | transcript

1. Interview with William Short, Principal Bassoon of the Metropolitan Opera. In this podcast he discusses his teaching and performance schedule, employment opportunities for double reed musicians, the fingering for F#3, and choices of cane for bassoon reed making. August 2018, hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

IDRS Podcasts

These podcasts are no longer featured on the IDRS website. 2reed.net is pleased to provide them here with the permission of the International Double Reed Society.

Bernard Garfield, bassoonist, part 3 link

19. Interview with Bernard Garfield, former Principal Bassoonist with the Philadelphia Orchestra and an International Double Reed Society honorary member. In part three, Mr. Garfield talks about the genesis of his compositions and his choices of instrumentation of his works. The interview was recorded in June 9, 2010. Copyright 2011 by Terry B. Ewell and International Double Reed Society.

Bernard Garfield, bassoonist, part 2 link

18. Interview with Bernard Garfield, former Principal Bassoonist with the Philadelphia Orchestra and an International Double Reed Society honorary member. In part 2, Mr. Garfield discusses his performances of the Mozart Bassoon Concerto and Weber’s Andante and Hungarian Rondo. The interview was recorded in June 9, 2010. Copyright 2011 by Terry B. Ewell and International Double Reed Society.

Bernard Garfield, bassoonist, part 1 link

17. Interview with Bernard Garfield, former Principal Bassoonist with the Philadelphia Orchestra and an International Double Reed Society honorary member. Part 1 presents his recollections of studying piano and bassoon and his work with the Philadelphia Orchestra. The interview was recorded in June 9, 2010. Copyright 2011 by Terry B. Ewell and International Double Reed Society.

Nancy Ambrose King, oboist

IDRS link--broken | copy not found

16. Nancy Ambrose King International Double Reed Society Podcast, Feb. 2008, with Nancy Ambrose King, oboist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Christopher Weait, bassoonist link

15. Christopher Weait International Double Reed Society Podcast, Jan. 2008, with Christopher Weait, bassoonist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

James Ryon, oboist link

14. James Ryon International Double Reed Society Podcast, Dec. 2007, with James Ryon, oboist discussing double tonguing. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Lorelei Dowling, bassoonist link

13. Lorelei Dowling International Double Reed Society Podcast, Nov. 2007, with Lorelei Dowling, bassoonist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewel. 

Pauline Oostenrijk, oboist link

12. Pauline Oostenrijk International Double Reed Society Podcast, Oct. 2007, with Pauline Oostenrijk, oboist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Jim Laslie, instrument repairman link | full interview

11. Jim Laslie International Double Reed Society Podcast, Sept. 2007, with Jim Laslie, repairman. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Hugh Cooper, Full Unedited Phone Interview link

This includes Part 1 and 2 below with some other content. Recorded on 2017 March 09 over the phone.

Hugh Cooper, bassoonist, Part 2

IDRS link--broken | copy not found

10. Hugh Cooper Part 2 International Double Reed Society Podcast, June 2007, with Hugh Cooper, bassoonist. Part 2 discussion of his performance and academic career and work on adjusting bassoons. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Hugh Cooper, bassoonist Part 1 link

9. Hugh Cooper Part 1 International Double Reed Society Podcast, May 2007, with Hugh Cooper, bassoonist. Part 1 discussion of early years in the IDRS, his career, reed making, and German system bassoons. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Dan Stolper, oboist; editor IDRS Journals link

8. Conversation with Dan Stolper. International Double Reed Society Podcast, April 2007, with Daniel Stolper, Oboist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Michael Rabinowitz, jazz bassoonist link

7. Michael Rabinowitz International Double Reed Society Podcast, Mar. 2007, with Michael Rabinowitz, jazz bassoonist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

IDRS Conferences link

6. IDRS Conferences and Handel’s Musick for the Royal Fireworks International Double Reed Society Podcast, Feb. 2007. This program departs from usual interview format (Handel wasn’t available!) to discuss IDRS conferences and feature the conference performance of Musick for the Royal Fireworks. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Alain deGourdon, oboe maker link

5. Alain deGourdon International Double Reed Society Podcast, Jan. 2007, with Alain deGourdon, oboe maker. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Stéphane Lévesque, bassoonist link

4. Stéphane Lévesque International Double Reed Society Podcast, Dec. 2006, with Stéphane Lévesque, bassoonist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Sandro Caldini, oboe and English hornlink

3. Sandro Caldini International Double Reed Society Podcast, Oct. 2006, with Sandro Caldini, oboe and English horn player. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Gerald Corey, bassoonist link

2. Gerald Corey International Double Reed Society Podcast, Oct. 2006, with Gerald Corey, bassoonist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell.

Gordon Hunt, oboist link

1. Gordon Hunt International Double Reed Society Podcast, Sept. 2006, with Gordon Hunt, oboist. Hosted by Terry B. Ewell

Terry B. Ewell

The Christian Life is Like a Baroque Sonata (18 min., 2021, BDP #324). Devotional at the Masterworks Festival, 2021 July 14. Interview on Hong Kong Radio following winning the first Fernand Gillet Competition of the International Double Reed Society, broadcast Fall 1981. This is just the voice interview, no musical examples. link

Lubbock, Texas, Gillet competition, August 1981, live recording, mp3 files.

Kent State University, Oct. 1997, live recording, mp3 files

West Virginia University, 1999, live recording, world premiere, mp3 file

Towson University, 2002, live recording, mp3 file

University of Colorado, Boulder, Spring 2004, live recording, mp3 files

Podcast interview of Terry Ewell by Dave Pederick (2018 June 10) on Working Musician Podcasts website | link to podcast

Maurice Allard

The materials below were presented at Towson University in October 26, 1976. Hosted by Harold Gene Griswold.

Lecture by Maurice Allard. Translated by Frances Kosnik. This lecture repeats much of the material published in To the World's Basosonists, Vol. VI/ 2 (1976): 1-4. link (mp3)

Recital by Maurice Allard. Pianist unknown.

Vivaldi, Concerto in F Maggiore per Fagotto, Archi e Cembalo. FVII, no. 9; Tomo 240; Pincherele 299

  1. Allegro non molto
  2. Largo
  3. Allegro

 Marc Vaubourgoin, Concerto pour Basson et Orchestre

  1. (not included)
  2. link
  3. link

Henri Tomasi, Concerto pour Basson et Orchestre

  1. (not included)
  2. Serenade - Nocturne; 3. Saltarelle
Roger Boutry, Interferences for Bassoon and Piano

Introduction by Allard; "Solstice" Antoine Tisné. This was performed with an orchestral recording.

  1. Song of the Desert
  2. Song of the Earth
  3. La Danse Solaire

Artwork and Graphics by Terry B. Ewell

Copyright 2015-19 by Terry B. Ewell.